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Create Customer and Vendor

Create New Customer

  1. Login to your MaFactureDevis( application account.

  2. Click on Customer in the left side menu.

Customer menu

  1. Click on the '+' plus button on top right side to create.

customer create button

  1. Fill the details of the Customer on all fields just like the below reference image.

Customer create page

  1. Shipping address for the customer is mandatory since we use it in the Invoices and Payments, you can either enter the shipping address if you have one or you can click on the button Shipping Same As Billing

Customer shipping

  1. Once all the details are filled, you can click Create and a customer is created.

Customer created

Create New Vendor

  1. Login to your MaFactureDevis ( application account.

  2. Click on Vendor in the left side menu.

  3. Click on the '+' plus button on top right side to create.

vendor create button

  1. Fill all the fields in the create page.

Vendor create page

  1. Shipping address for the vendor is mandatory since we use it in the Bills and Payments, you can either enter the shipping address if you have one or you can click on the button Shipping Same As Billing.

Vendor shipping

  1. Once all the details are filled, you can click Create and a Vendor is created.

Vendor create page